Notes on LaTeX
Typesetting isn't that easy
By Harshvardhan in package
June 19, 2021
Write Markdown in LaTeX for Notes
I often write my “chain of thought” in documents before writing the full page. I used to use verbatim environment for this. Now, I’ve found an alternative — Markdown directly!
First, make sure you import listings
and xcolor
Then, create a custom environment:
Now, whenever you want to write notes, you can put them in “markdown” environment.
Significance of research and prior work
- Discussion on novelty compared to previous work
- Why is it a hard problem?
Bold math symbols: Use the command
to write bold faced symbols like matrix variables. -
Margins: The easiest way is to add
in the preamble. -
Outer quotes: Latex doesn’t understand " as outer quotes. By default, you have to use ``. Here is a way out.
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}
Some handy commands:
\hfill, \vfill, \hskip, \vskip, \hspace, \vspace
. Just Google to know their usage. They’re needed for extra spaces here and there in Latex documents. -
Horizontal Line:
for all non-tabular environments.
- Inserting Images: Use \usepackage{graphicx,graphics} in preamble. Then, add image with the following code block.
\caption{An example of fitting \texttt{GP} model in 1-d function with seven data points.}
Inserting Table: Use Table Generator online. Create the schema and then fill in the content.
Resize Latex Tables to Column-width or Text-width using
:\usepackage{graphics} % ... \begin{table} \centering \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{% \begin{tabular}{r|lll} \multicolumn{1}{r}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Heading 1} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Heading 2} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Heading 3} \\ \cline{2-4} Row 1 & Cell 1,1 & Cell 1,2 & Cell 1,3 \\ Row 2 & Cell 2,1 & Cell 2,2 & Cell 2,3 \end{tabular}% } \end{table}
Exact Math Symbols
- argmin and argmax: Use this in preamble:
Then, \underset{x} \argmax f(x)
or \underset{x} \argmax f(x)
This might not be very right according to this thread, but okay – it serves the purpose.
If you find something better, tell me.
Sum (Sigma):
\sum_{i = 1}^{n} x_n
\int_a^b f(x) \di x
Tab: The simple tab (horizontal space) can be worked with
. -
Drawing any symbol: It is difficult to find the appropriate symbol every time, so use Detexify to identify what you need.
Writing algorithms in LaTeX. Use
. See this article for quick review.
Typesetting Exactly
- To place pictures exactly in a slide, use tikz package. Exact coordinates by cm:
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
%% (x coord, y coord) -> (0 cm, 6.5 cm)
\node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt] at ($(current page.south west)+(0cm,6.5cm)$) {
The best part is that it also works for exact text placements.
Referencing and Cross-referencing
- Bibliography and References: Understand that in most academic writings they are different and Latex considers references as default. To add them, add following lines at the end of file, just before
Don’t forget to add \usepackage{natbib}
in the preamble.
Note that bibfile.bib contains all bibliographies.
If you can’t get the BibTeX citations right, use Google Scholar.
- Citations Generator: Use this tool online to generate citations:
New Commands: Outline format is
. See this and this for more details. -
Style File (
): Basically, they’re instructions that can be used to redefine the preexisting values in the document. See my Github for two examples that I’ve created - one for homework assignments and other for IIM Indore’s official presentation.
Overleaf Gallery is the best. Otherwise, you can find some repositories on Google.
By Me: If you are searching for reports or presentations, or are an IIM Indore student looking for presentations, check my templates.